Building a Jekyll Theme

Jekyll theme

Yesterday I added a theme with the automated generator. Only the main index.html page was showing the theme. Here’s how I got the existing theme to show up on all pages.

  1. In C9, inside root folder add folder called _includes
  2. Add 2 files _includes/head.html and _includes/footer.html
  3. Create another folder inside root called _layouts
  4. New file _layouts/post.html
  5. add this to that file:

    {% include head.html %} {{ content }} {% include footer.html %}

  6. Open main index.html in C9 (the one with the theme applied), copy the stuff from line 1 down to (and including) </header>. Lines you need to copy depend on your theme.
  7. Paste into _includes/head.html
  8. Repeat step 6 but this time copy the code at the bottom. starting at and including <footer> down to last line. Again, varies a little per theme.
  9. Paste into _includes/footer.html
  10. Make sure your blog post specifies which layout to use. Like this:
     title: 2014-09-23-Post1
     layout: pos
  1. Forgot something… open _includes/head.html and modify links pointing to stylesheets and js. Example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/styles.css">
  2. Now (still from C9) git status, add untracked files, commit, push.
  3. In Github do a PR to merge feature branch into master.

That’s it. :)