Chrome DevTools Part 1

Chrome’s DevTools are awesome, I use certain features everyday but others are a mystery to me. It’s time to learn new tricks, and what better way than watching Frontend Masters’ (looove them) ‘Mastering Chrome DevTools’ workshop.

Jon Kuperman (instructor) divided his material into 3 parts: Editing, Debugging and Profiling - spanning 6 videos total.

Here’s my notes from video #1:


Device emulation mode is NOT perfect but it gets you pretty far. When you pick a device like an iPhone 6, it’s not just changing the viewport size, it’s actually changing the headers your site throws so you can get a pretty close experience. Responsive design mode just throws a web header.

Fantastic feature if your project doesn’t have a complicated build process. Workspaces is able to persist changes by mapping resources served from a local web server to files on a disk, so while it works beautifully when mapping .css => .css files for ex, Sass and LESS are not supported. Chrome is adding support for Sass pre-processing but it’s not released yet.

If you’re doing JavaScript transpiling with Babel, there’s no support for that either.